Eldership Academy Press is a platform for elders of any age and from all walks of life. Our publications and creative media address personal, professional and community learning and growth in fields such as education, health, self agency and social care.
Eldership is an attitude of open heart, open mind and overall helpfulness. To live joyously while embracing all phases of life and states of mind. Dreaming big and embracing life’s challenges alone and together, with buoyancy. An attitude that amidst life challenges, the agony and the beauty, over time difficulties can work out in surprising ways.
Eldership Academy Press was founded in 2003 by Nader Shabahangi to promote openness to the process of aging and the possibilities ahead. In 2015 Julia Wolfson joined Nader, to co-evolve EAP as a broadening space for ongoing learning and inspiration.
We use the term eldership with gratitude to Arnold Mindell and Amy Mindell, co-creators of Process Work and a bow to our teachers Max and Ellen Schupbach, founders of the Deep Democracy Institute (DDI).